Friday, June 18, 2010

How To Get Over Gadget Addiction

It's, afterall, not too hard to get over the addition of electronic gadgets.
First of all, you ask, what is the need for getting over such an addiction?

Well, if you want to waste all your hard earned money merely to help a rich man grow richer (the owner of those gadget manufactoring companies), then this blog is not for you. But if, on the other hand, you realise this chase of fulfilling the craze of having a stylish gadget to look "cool" amongst your collegues, is nothing but a chidlish show off and that it is noway any different from a 5 year old child crying after getting his new favorite toy, then surely this is the blog you should read.
First thing to get over this illusion is to closely observe people who buy a lot of electronic gadgets. Then ask yourself, how are they different from other people? The only answer you will get will be : They are suffering from the hallucination. They think buying an external thing such as a electronic circuit inside stylish frame is reflective of his stature. On the other hand, a persons worth lies in his qualities, reliability, honesty, personality, sense of humor and the list goes on. Some people might even say to have lot of money is a status symbol. Even then, does it conclude that wasting that money on certain things is more "cool" than wasting your money in other "non-cool" things? First of all, why is there so much urge to waste the money. Is the tendency to be a spendthrift the main factor in shaping up ones status in society? If yes, I would love to know where such a soceity exists? In this earth or in the crazy fanciful world of Harry Potter?

The Second thing is to give it a try. Try buying all the gadgets your heart says, do not say No. Whenever you feel to buy a new one, write your wish on a paper. I know you will write "This gadget is so cool. This is the last one I want to buy" and I know this too that you will keep writing the same for all the gadgets till the store says they are waiting for new ones to be manufactured! You will end up spending half of your day thinking about the gadgets. Do you really need them? You will say, yes. I will ask, why? You will say : Because you need to keep in touch with your girl friend with the 3Gs connection.

So lovers have become that much frail that if you do not "keep in touch" with each other for a day, then you are done with her and have to search for a new one. But even in a new girl friend you will find the necessity to be "in touch" all day through your gadget. When these gadgets where not there in the market, the minds of the people were far more tolerant and realistic. Now it has become crazy. If miss one phone call or email, then you are doomed for life or at least for that relationship.
These gadgets (and hence the use they use mordern communication) have made our brain cells immune to the feelings of patience and understanding. Now we dont feel love. But our gadgets do! And then love ends with the malfunctioning of that gadget.
Is it not time to keep life simple? To love someone truly without signing a business contract where the gadget is the chief factor?
So before wasting your precious money on a product which will make you crazy, think about it again. And if you have lot of money that can be wasted, better help some charitable organisation or some orphanage where you can really show that you care not only for yourself and your girl but about others who are in pain and suffering.
Make a difference to the world by just a simple decision. Say NO to gadgets.

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